The Science Behind PRP Treatment for Hair Loss Revealed

In your search to put an end to Male Pattern Baldness—and possibly achieve hair regrowth—you’ve come across PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Hair Treatment and had a few questions about it including the benefits or efficacy. Before we get there, let’s step back and start with the most basic question.

What is PRP?

PRP is a treatment in which a patient’s own plasma in infused into different parts of the patient’s scalp to promote healing and hair growth. By the way, PRP is not just for hair—it has been used in healing tendons, ligaments, and muscles, since ages.

How does a PRP Hair Treatment work?

First, a standard blood draw is done and placed in a centrifuge, a machine that spins the blood to separate it into different components— mainly red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma.

Then, the platelet-rich plasma is put directly onto the balding areas of the scalp by using a syringe and a thin needle. Platelets contain many growth factors, which could help grow hair back and even produce new hair.

While it’s just a 30-40 minute treatment, patients must enroll in several sessions to maximize chances for success: one session every month at least for the first 6-9 months and subsequently the frequency can be altered after consultation with a hair loss expert.

PRP hair treatment

What do the hair loss experts say?

There are enough research papers that show hair growth in many individuals,” says Paul Green, Trichologist at Evolved Clinics. “But these cases are not typically severe. I recommend it for men with early-stage male pattern baldness.”

Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment are many and include

1. Conservation of existing hair in cases of Androgenetic Alopecia

2. Promotes less thinning and accelerates hair regeneration

3. Increases diameter and density of hairs so fuller head of hair

4. Reduced local erythema (redness) and accelerated healing after a hair transplant procedure.

Paul has a further point to make, “platelet-rich plasma, when combined with Hair Mesotherapy and Laser Hair therapy amplifies benefits. This way you get a palette of treatments which can suit your individual need”

The final decision

PRP Hair Treatment can help increase hair density, improve hair thickness, and stimulate hair regrowth. For best results, PRP should be combined with other therapeutic procedures.
